30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s


Christmas is coming! A submitted photo collection of Flickr's members that shows how Americans enjoyed it from the 1970s.

Christmas in Livermore, CA, 1972
Christmas morning. Branden, Brent and Brian (his first Christmas) and me in front of the fireplace. We celebrated Christmas 1976 in Yukon, Oklahoma

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Christmas party, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 1970

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Christmas party, Stratford, Connecticut, 1978

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Cousins watching Brady Bunch, San Francisco, Christmas Eve, 1970s

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Dad clowning for the Jupiter Christmas Parade, Jupiter, Florida, 1970s


Decorating our first 'live' Christmas tree, Connecticut, Christmas 1972

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Familiar blue carpet, Portland, Oregon, Christmas 1970 or 1971

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Grandpa & Grandma Knott at home at Christmas. 11624 Ventura Blvd., Loves Park (now Machesney Park), Illinois, December 1974

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Great Grandma Frank, Burton, Michigan, Christmas 1971

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

I'm in the middle, San Pedro, California, Christmas 1973

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Judy made Branden and me matching vests. She also made Branden's bell-bottomed pants, Norman, Oklahoma,
Christmas 1973


Margaret Searles and Lewis Parker from College of the Mainland, Texas City, Texas, Christmas dance, 1970s

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Me and my old sister, Illinois, 1970s


Me and my sister, Addison, Texas, Christmas 1977

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Me Christmas time, Chicago, Illinois, late 1970s

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Me in the basement of our old house. (My dad made the fireplace),  Southgate, Michigan, Christmas 1973

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Me in the red with the fake gold chain on my vest, LOL. My sister wearing those cool hounds tooth pants, Chicago, Christmas 1972

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Me on the floor, my sisters and brother, Chicago, Illinois, December 1970

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Mom, dad and sis, Connecticut, Christmas 1974

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Mother, Chuck, Robbie, Christmas Eve, Charleston, SC, 1978

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

My 3rd birthday. Pooh Bear was my buddy, Arkansas, Christmas 1977

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

My Dad, Westchester, New York, Christmas 1978


My grandmother made matching mother-daughter dresses for my mother and I, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 1971

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

My sister Alice holds her new doll at left. I hold what looks like a crucifix necklace, Virginia, Christmas Day, 1972

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Pre-party sing, New Haven, Connecticut, Christmas mid-1970s

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

Robbie in Christmas morning, Charleston, South Carolina, 1976


Theron and Carol, Christmas in Metuchen, New Jersey, Drcember 1972

30 Intimate Snapshots Show How Americans Enjoyed Christmas in the 1970s

These boots, Corona, New York, 1976