Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s


A set of amazing photos was found by Paula Wirth that shows what drug stores of Southern California in 1970 and 1971.

Cosmetics, Southern California, circa July 1970
“Quality & Satisfaction” - 1970 Tooth Care, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Cleaning Products, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Feminine Hygiene Products, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Feminine Hygiene Products, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Feminine Hygiene Products, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Feminine Hygiene Products, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Laundry Soap, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Radios, Film & Electronics, Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Shampoo and Hair Products , Southern California, circa July 1970


Amazing Found Photos That Show Vintage Drug Stores of California in the Early 1970s

Serve Yourself, Southern California, circa February 1971