Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century


A grocery store is a store that primarily retails a general range of food products, which may be fresh or packaged.

Beginning as early as the 14th century, a grocer (or “purveyor”) was a dealer in comestible dry goods such as spices, peppers, sugar, and (later) cocoa, tea, and coffee. From the late 1600s until the 1850s, the word “grocery” referred to a place where people went to drink.
As increasing numbers of staple food-stuffs became available in cans and other less-perishable packaging, the trade expanded its province. Today, grocers deal in a wide range of staple food-stuffs including such perishables as dairy products, meats, and produce. Such goods are, hence, called groceries.
Here is a set of amazing photos from Massillon Museum that shows what grocery stores of Massillon looked like in the 1880s and 1890s.
Albright & Co. Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Albright and Breckel Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Albright and Breckel Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

C.G. Audi Grocery, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Charles Breckel Grocer, 10 North Erie St., Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Ed. C. Segner Store, Flour, Feed, Lime, Hair, Cement, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

G.F. Breckel, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Graber Bros. Meat Market, Massillon


Graber Brother's Meat Market, Massillon


Graze and Sonnhalter Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Gust Breckel Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Herings Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Herman Bros. Fancy Groceries, Massillon


Krier's Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Lutz and Graze Groceries, Massillon


Martin and Vogt Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

North east corner Main and Clay Streets, Massillon


Paroz Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Paul's Meat Market, Massillon


Pietzckers Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Pietzckers Grocery Store, Massillon


S.A. Conrad and Co., Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Schworm Bros. Grocery, Massillon


Schworm Grocery Store interior, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Schworm Grocery store, Massillon


Sonnhalter and Brenner Grocery Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Sonnhalter Store, Massillon


Amazing Photos Capture Grocery Stores in Massillon From the Late 19th Century

Wade Bros. Meat Market, Massillon