Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s


Aviation accidents can occur on private aircrafts; on U.S. or international commercial planes; on charter planes; on sight-seeing planes; on corporate planes; and on air medical planes and jets. Although every type of plane, including private planes, must be piloted by a licensed professional, mistakes can still be made and things can still go wrong.

In fact, aircraft accidents occur thousands of times per year as a result of problems including: Pilot and co-pilot error; pilot incapacitation; equipment failure and faulty equipment; cabin fire; design flaws; fuel problems; maintenance problems including a failure of the plane owner/operator to follow required maintenance schedules or a failure of aircraft mechanics to provide quality repairs and servicing; mistakes made by air traffic controllers; bird strikes; bad weather.
Boston-based photographer Leslie Jones took incredible photos that shows aviation accidents in the 1920s and 1930s.
Army aeroplane crashes into water, circa 1920


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Plane dives into Nahant Harbor. Two Harvard students die, January 8, 1923


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Army plane crashes outside of Washington D.C., February 1928


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Bonney Gull crashes to earth and kills inventor at Curtis Field, New York, May 5, 1928


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

East Boston Airport- Travelair biplane hits muddy swamp. Pilot Bob Goldberg and actress Maude Vesta shaken up, May 31, 1928


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Navy plane hits house, Quincy, Massachusetts, March 24, 1928


The Eagle crashes at Lewiston, Maine, September 1928


Airplane accident in Charles River, August 1929


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Airplane, Flash wrecked at Old Orchard, Maine, 1929


Army plane crashes, East Boston Airport, July 1929


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Plane goes into Spot Pond, Massachusetts, July 1929


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Plane crash at East Boston Airport, May 1930


Plane crash at Hadley Field. One boy dies after two steal plane, October 3, 1930


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Plane crash, Camp Devens, 1930


Plane dives into harbor. Monoplane was piloted by Paul Herman of Winthrop and was rescued by Richard Couden of Portland, Maine (East Boston), May 18, 1930


Marine Lt. W.O. Bruce's plane hits building after going out of control at National air races in Cleveland, Ohio. The pilot escaped by parachute, August 30, 1931


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Monoplane Esa before rescue by SS Stavanger, September 25, 1931


Plane crashes into house, Valley Stream, New York, July 27, 1931


Ruth Nichols crashes in St. John, New Brunswick. She was hospitalized after attempting to fly the Atlantic taking Lindy's trail, June 1931.


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Ruth Nichols crashes in St. John, New Brunswick. She was hospitalized after attempting to fly the Atlantic taking Lindy's trail, June 1931


Shell oil plane nose down at East Boston Airport, 1933


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

U.S. Navy plane Anacostia crashes in Washington D.C., circa 1934


Plane dives into Boston Harbor, 1935


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

US Army plane taken on joy ride by mechanics, June 2, 1936


Incredible Photos of Aviation Accidents Taken by Leslie Jones in the 1920s and ’30s

Peter J. Cummings killed when plane goes down over Milton, August 1937