A dollar really went far in the 1950s and 1960s — much farther than it does today. Before you get too nostalgic, remember that the average home was worth $7,354, a new Volkswagen Beetle could be yours for $1,280, and tuition at the University of Pennsylvania was $600.
To get a sense of how far $1 really used to go, check out this list of seven things you could get for a buck back in the 1950s and '60s.
1950: Four pounds of frozen green beans.
1951: One package of 25 thrift Christmas cards.
1952: A little under three pounds of coffee.
1953: 24 pounds of potatoes.
1954: One pound of T-bone steak.
1955: One Slinky.
1956: 15 eggs
1957: One bath towel.
1958: 25 pounds of celery.
1959: Seven cans of cream corn.
1960: Three cans of Del Monte Peaches.
1961: Four boxes of Cheerios.
1962: Five fast food hamburgers.
1963: Three pints of blueberries.
1964: Ticket for one car at the drive-in movie theater.
1965: 80 ounces of frozen French fries.
1966: Five bottles of Heinz Ketchup.
1967: Four loaves of bread.
1968: 20 Hershey bars.
1969: Just under three gallons of gas.