Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II


Arlington Farms was a temporary housing complex for female civil servants and service members during World War II. Built in 1942-1943 by the United States Government’s Federal Works Agency (FWA). Arlington Farms was located on the former site of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Arlington Experimental Farm on the grounds of the historic 1,100-acre Custis-Lee family estate in Arlington County, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C.

Here are some vintage photos of life at Arlington Farms in 1943. The photographs were taken by Esther Bubley, who worked as a photographer for the War Information Office during World War II.

A girl in her room playing a phonograph at Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

A girl just coming in from a sunbath at Arlington Farms, 1943.


A girl looking at snapshots in her room at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms. A typical room scene since there is a shortage of space in the laundries.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

A group around a piano in the lounge of Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


A new girl arriving at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

A room resident and her friend at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

A soldier treating his date to a coke in the service shop at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Dancing the Virginia reel at a bi-weekly Saturday night "open house" dance at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Desk clerk sorting the mail at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

During intermission at one of the bi-weekly "open house" dances held in the main lounge of Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Girl getting food in the service shop at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Girl on her way to the laundry room stops in one of the small alcoves to talk to some of her girlfriends, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Girls eating hot dogs in the service shop in Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Girls entertaining their guests in one of the two card rooms, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Girls entertaining their guests in one of the two card rooms, Arlington Farms. More privacy is afforded here than in the main lounge, 1943.


Girls in two of the long line of showers at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Jitterbugs at the bi-weekly Saturday night "open house" dance at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Mirrors over the dressing table conceals a cabinet which gives girls extra space for their cosmetics, etc., at Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Laundry room in Idaho Halls, Arlington Farms, 1943.


One of the bi-weekly "open house" dances at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Reading the Sunday comics on the back porch at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Service shop in Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms. These shops, one in each residence hall sells cosmetics, drugs, sandwiches, cokes, etc, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Sunbathers on the sidewalk in the back of Idaho Hall at Arlington Farms, 1943.


Sunbathers on the sidewalk in the back of Idaho Hall at Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

The main lounge in Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Three residents of Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, admiring a photograph of a friend. Each girl has a different picture of him in her collection, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Waiting for and opening letters at the mail desk. Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.


Vintage Photographs Capture Every Life at Arlington Farms During World War II

Washing clothes in one of the laundry rooms at Idaho Hall, Arlington Farms, 1943.