Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past


Enjoy this look back at the St. Paddy’s day of yore, when celebrities wore all green and the crowning of the St. Patrick’s Day Queen was as big a deal as the parade itself. Just scroll down for a glimpse of Grace Kelly in an emerald ball gown, Jackie Kennedy in the Boston parade, and more...

1916 Shamrock sellers, Dublin. Photo: Topical Press Agency


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1946 San Francisco St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo: Charles E. Steinheimer/Time & Life Pictures


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1949 New York St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo: Keystone-France/KEYSTONE-FRANCE


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1952 Mike Wallace and Buff Cobb in the Saint Patrick's Day–themed espisode of their CBS show, Mike and Buff. Photo: CBS Photo Archive


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1953 New York St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo: New York Daily News Archive/1953/Daily News, L.P. (New York)


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1954 Grace Kelly. Photo: Gene Lester/2012 Gene Lester


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1958 Jackie and John F. Kennedy, Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo: Boston Globe/2013 - The Boston Globe


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1961. Photo: Robert W. Kelley/Time Life Pictures


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1963. Photo: Cloyd Teter/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1964 Eleanore Weckbaugh's St. Patrick's Day party. Photo: George Crouter/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1965 New York St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo: New York Daily News Archive/2010/Daily News L.P. (New York)


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1966 Joan Parker Photo: ABC. Photo Archives/2010 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.


1968 St. Patrick's Day Queen Vicki Hissong, Denver. Photo: Bill Wunsch/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1969 St. Patrick's Day Queen Hopefuls, Denver. Photo: Bill Johnson/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1970 Contestents for the St. Patrick's Day Fete, Denver. Photo: Bill Peters/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


1971 St. Patrick's Day Queen Debi Dorrough (left), Denver. Photo: John G. White/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1971. Photo: John Beard/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1974 St. Patrick's Day Queen Kathleen Mcguire, Denver. Photo: Bill Wunsch/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, MediaNews Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1975 Saint Patrick's Day Queen Tracy Wolf, Denver. Photo: John J. Sunderland/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, Media News Group


Vintage Photos Capture Ladies Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Past

1976 St. Patrick's Day Queen Rose Metzer, Denver. Photo: David Cupp/(C) 2010 The Denver Post, Media News Group